1) x11-video-nvidiaG04 avait besoin des 2 fichiers kernel-devel que vous m'avez aidé a installer, ok, super,
mais mon paraview ne fonctionne toujours pas.
2) j'ai tenté de retrograder l'install de paraview, v 5.9 (c'etait logique, effectivemnt la version que j'utilisais ces derniers mois, c'etait donc bien peut-etre la v5.10 a present installée qui pose pb avec les paquets openGL de la Leap 15.3)... j'ai donc reinstallé paraview v5.9 par Yast....reboot, ... Mais non, paraview v5.9 continue a planter... :-(
# sudo zypper in paraview
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'paraview' is already installed.
There is an update candidate for 'paraview' from vendor 'obs://build.opensuse.org/science', while the current vendor is 'openSUSE'. Use 'zypper install paraview-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64' to install this candidate.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
>>>>normal puisque je viens de reinstaller la v5.9..
# zypper install paraview-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
Problem: the installed paraview-plugins-5.9.0-bp153.1.5.x86_64 requires 'paraview = 5.9.0', but this requirement cannot be provided
Solution 1: install paraview-plugins-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64 from vendor obs://build.opensuse.org/science
replacing paraview-plugins-5.9.0-bp153.1.5.x86_64 from vendor openSUSE
Solution 2: do not install paraview-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64
Solution 3: break paraview-plugins-5.9.0-bp153.1.5.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies
Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/3/c/d/?] (c): 1
Resolving dependencies...
Resolving package dependencies...
The following 2 packages are going to be upgraded:
paraview paraview-plugins
The following 2 packages are going to change vendor:
paraview openSUSE -> obs://build.opensuse.org/science
paraview-plugins openSUSE -> obs://build.opensuse.org/science
2 packages to upgrade, 2 to change vendor.
Overall download size: 42.6 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, 1.3 MiB will
be freed.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving: paraview-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64.rpm ....................[done (1.1 MiB/s)]
Retrieving: paraview-plugins-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64.rpm ............[done (1.2 MiB/s)]
Checking for file conflicts: ......................................................[done]
(1/2) Installing: paraview-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64 ..............................[done]
(2/2) Installing: paraview-plugins-5.10.1-lp153.111.1.x86_64 ......................[done]
$exit (su)
( 0.504s) [paraview ]vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.:266 ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x55de268e0c00): Could not find a decent config
( 0.504s) [paraview ]vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.:484 ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x55de268e0c00): Could not find a decent visual
Loguru caught a signal: SIGABRT
Stack trace:
32 0x55de247c966a paraview(+0x866a) [0x55de247c966a]
31 0x7f022444e2bd __libc_start_main + 239
30 0x55de247c92de paraview(+0x82de) [0x55de247c92de]
29 0x55de247ce989 paraview(+0xd989) [0x55de247ce989]
28 0x55de247ca582 paraview(+0x9582) [0x55de247ca582]
27 0x7f02240bb610 pqParaViewBehaviors::pqParaViewBehaviors(QMainWindow*, QObject*) + 2560
26 0x7f02240179c4 pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior::pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior(QObject*) + 324
25 0x7f022401785e pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior::serverCheck() + 190
24 0x7f0222bccb6d pqObjectBuilder::createServer(pqServerResource const&, int) + 605
23 0x7f0221185851 vtkSMSession::ConnectToSelf(int) + 33
22 0x7f0220d193ad vtkProcessModule::RegisterSession(vtkSession*) + 237
21 0x7f0220629f12 /usr/lib64/libvtkCommonCore-pv5.10.so.1(+0x407f12) [0x7f0220629f12]
20 0x7f0220563259 vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*) + 25
19 0x7f022168646f /usr/lib64/libvtkGUISupportQt-pv5.10.so.1(+0x3d46f) [0x7f022168646f]
18 0x7f02216714ab /usr/lib64/libvtkGUISupportQt-pv5.10.so.1(+0x284ab) [0x7f02216714ab]
17 0x7f0221e00e75 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2101
16 0x7f0222b44fb9 /usr/lib64/libpqCore-pv5.10.so.1(+0x89fb9) [0x7f0222b44fb9]
15 0x7f0222b400e2 pqServerManagerObserver::connectionCreated(long long) + 66
14 0x7f0221e00e75 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2101
13 0x7f0222c100dc pqServerManagerModel::onConnectionCreated(long long) + 668
12 0x7f0222b3e752 pqServerManagerModel::serverAdded(pqServer*) + 66
11 0x7f0221e00e75 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2101
10 0x7f022407d493 pqDefaultViewBehavior::onServerCreation(pqServer*) + 83
9 0x7f02210906ad vtkPVSessionCore::GatherInformation(unsigned int, vtkPVInformation*, unsigned int) + 493
8 0x7f0221090324 vtkPVSessionCore::GatherInformationInternal(vtkPVInformation*, unsigned int) + 52
7 0x7f021ce7d799 vtkPVRenderingCapabilitiesInformation::CopyFromObject(vtkObject*) + 9
6 0x7f021ce7d758 vtkPVRenderingCapabilitiesInformation::GetLocalCapabilities() + 328
5 0x7f0219cfdb85 vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::SupportsOpenGL() + 1269
4 0x7f0219d7ce12 vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::WindowInitialize() + 18
3 0x7f0219d80d8a vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow() + 1946
2 0x7f0224465375 abort + 375
1 0x7f0224463cdb gsignal + 269
0 0x7f0224463d70 /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x4ad70) [0x7f0224463d70]
( 0.504s) [paraview ] :0 FATL| Signal: SIGABRT
Abandon (core dumped)
Mon desarroi continue, mais je continue d'essayer ...
3) comment je pourrais savoir de quelles version 1 ou 2 de depots... effectivment on dirait qu'il pourrait yavoir un conflit des depots science et opensuse ? mais paraview est donné via "science" normalement